Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Memorial Day Ride

This weekend I installed the new hand-me-down SRAM Red Carbon crank from Donna's 2009 Fuji D6 Pro bike that was too long for her. I got her a new one just like it. Also a new SRAM Red ceramic bearing bottom bracket and Ultegra 6700 Grey front derailleur. It came out really nice! It's funny that the MSRP of these three parts is probably close to what I originally paid for the bike in 2003... LOL

The crank is a double 172.5mm, which replaced my old triple 175mm. It seems a lot of people are shortening their cranks to get more power... which I don't quite get logically. A longer lever can apply more torque. But I figured I couldn't let this sweet crank go unused so I might as well give it a shot! I have been wanting to ditch the triple for a double anyway... not much in the way of hills here in this part of Texas, and it is just more weight for the triple. Since I am using the bar end shifters, they work for either as the left shifter is friction only.

Here's what it looks like all finished.

The crank does spin VERY smoothly! I noticed that immediately on the stand once I had it installed. The Shimano Ultegra bearings seem to spin about one revolution when I spin them. The Chris King on Donna's old bike spins only about 1/2 turn. This thing will go about two turns! I could notice how smooth and easy it spins even riding it.

I got to test the new setup on a ride with BAM! on Monday morning. We got one of the BAM teenagers to come babysit Cassie, so Donna and I both could ride. The plan was to ride out to Twin Lakes Scuba Park ~21 miles from home, swim, and ride back. I skipped the swim part, as I have not been swimming in a long time. I was continually bringing up the rear on the ride, but it was a great training ride for me. Donna and her coach Chris stayed back to keep an eye on me, everyone else disappeared. Ah well, that is the longest ride I have done in several years, and I still managed almost 17 mph average. Not complaining! It reminds me why I usually ride alone though. :)

Here's the workout data from Garmin Connect.


Knee Pain and Bike Fit

Donna found this excellent article on knee pain caused by bike fit:

I am subscribing to this blog, it looks like it has some excellent info!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Two Quick Tips If You Struggle With Breathing

Two Quick Tips If You Struggle With Breathing

Definitely something I need to work on. I have noticed my lead arm collapsing. When (if) I get back in the pool, this is something I need to work on for sure.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Training is about learning to hurt

I thought this was a fantastic article by Chrissie Wellington!
Train your brain, then your body

My wife is volunteering at Ironman Texas this weekend, and was invited by the race director to meet Chrissie... can't wait to hear how that went! She also scored a copy of her new book A Life Without Limits to get autographed.

I am starting to gain some motivation to do another triathlon. Work and home have both been so busy lately I have not been able to train consistently... but the good news is I have been getting some running and lifting in, and have lost 10 lbs with a semi-Paleo diet... I AM NO LONGER CLYDESDALE! 199.2 yesterday. And I will never be technically a Clydesdale again... particularly after they raise the limit to 225 lbs next year... LOL

Up until my last week, my runs were still improving. I ran 4 1/4 miles one week with no walk breaks, then 4 1/2 the next week... but that doesn't keep improving without running more than once a week. Last week's run was not so good. Gotta get back on track with my running... and speaking of track, my daughter is super excited that I am taking her with me to the track this morning! She is a swimmer and triathlete already at age 7, can't wait to see where she takes this. :)

My old college buddy Howard is about to do hit first tri, I am really excited for him! Go Howard!

Next potential race: Sylvan Beach Duathlon. I did this one last year, it was damn HOT. Some people were out spraying us with a water hose as we ran by, I hope they are out again this year!

I just got a great deal on a new SRAM GXP ceramic bearing bottom bracket for my bike. This thing is sweet! (WARNING: Bike part porn!)
(I am also having fun with my new camera, pretty happy about that shot!)

This will let me use the SRAM Red carbon crank that I took off Donna's new bike because it was too long for her. BUT, I am watching a bike frame on Ebay today... a Fuji D6 Matt Reed Edition... The frame is like Donna's but black and lime green. Wish me luck! Unfortunately, this bottom bracket won't match if I win that one though... LOL


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Donna's New Bike!

Welcome the new tri bike member of our family, Caddie! It's a 2009 Fuji D6 Pro.

No, not my bike but my wife's. But I might get to keep the SRAM Red carbon crank with ceramic bearings that I had to take off to put her shorter one on! Oh shoot, she is gonna want another SRAM though...DOH!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Self-Myofascial Release

Self-Myofascial Release
  Using a roller to relieve lower leg tension

Check it out, this is great stuff!